Plot Synopsis: A documentary team films the lives of a group of vampires for a few months. The vampires share a house in Wellington, New Zealand. Turns out vampires have their own domestic problems too. This is how you do a mockumentary. The protagonists, Vladislav, Viago, Deacon, Nick and Petyr, do a great job of representing stereotypical vampires found in media from Nosferatu to Twilight. What I love is that this film has a real “hang out with the boys” type feel to it. We get to watch them passive-aggressively argue over whose turn it is to do the dishes, hit up the clubs for victims (Vladislav’s explanation as to why vampires prefer their victims to be virgins had me in tears) and see how they deal with their archrivals, the werewolves. Nick provides the perfect view of the ups and downs of vampiric life from the perspective of a new vampire. The way the film handles Stu, a typical mortal person and Nick’s best friend, is perfect. His reactions (and the reactions of everyo...